After a database refresh from one instance to another instance of a clarity environment with PostgreSQL environment, multiple errors are faced in MUX UI when audits are enabled on TSV attributes
Steps To Reproduce:
Expected Results: Various errors are seen during navigating to different modules in clarity.
Actual Results: Multiple errors are seen in the UI during navigation, below are few examples provided
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: type "crv_period[]" does not exist Where: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "crv_fiscal_calendar_fct"
Error message: ERROR: relation "prtask" does not exist
Where: PL/pgSQL function schema.prj_effort_fct(numeric,text,text) line 36 at EXECUTE
ERROR 2021-07-27 12:11:19,575 [http-nio-8080-exec-51] union.persistence (clarity:user:session::projmgr.teamList) Exception on statement null
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "prassignment" does not exist
Where: PL/pgSQL function schema.prj_sum_assignment_fct(bigint,numeric) line 13 at EXECUTE
Clarity 16.2.1, 16.2.2 with PostgreSQL database only
DE80430 - The source schema is being referenced/hard-coded in the trigger/functions related to audit table operations.
DE80430 is fixed in 16.2.3 and (Patch 1)
Workaround: Obtain a list of all functions being incorrectly referenced and manually update the functions, referencing the current schema for functions
Check the target functions mentioned in the error, and see that the source schema is referenced/hard-coded.
Example1 in target database:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION target_schema2.trigger_fct_t_assignment_pprassignment()
Line 18: TSV_OLD_VALUE := source_schema1.NK_EXTRACT_CURVE_FCT( OLD.prExtension , 'prEstCurve' );
Line 19: TSV_NEW_VALUE := source_schema1.NK_EXTRACT_CURVE_FCT( NEW.prExtension , 'prEstCurve' );
Example2 in target database:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION target_schema2.trigger_fct_t_team_pprteam()
Line 76: (nextval('CMN_AUDITS_WEU_START_FINISH_S1'), V_AUDIT_ID, source_schema2.audit_fct_team_por_pravailstart(OLD.prProjectID, OLD.prAvailStart), source_schema2.audit_fct_team_por_pravailfinish(OLD.prProjectID, OLD.prAvailStart), source_schema2.audit_fct_team_por_pravailstart(NEW.prProjectID, NEW.prAvailStart), source_schema2.audit_fct_team_por_pravailfinish(NEW.prProjectID, NEW.prAvailStart));
Line 79: UPDATE CMN_AUDITS_WEU_START_FINISH SET after_start_date = source_schema2.audit_fct_team_por_pravailstart(NEW.prProjectID, NEW.prAvailStart), after_finish_date = source_schema2.audit_fct_team_por_pravailfinish(NEW.prProjectID, NEW.prAvailStart)