When accessing Endevor resources via an STC using the ENA$NDVR program :
1- The IBM AD (Application Discovery) tool invokes Endevor using the ENA$NDVR program.
2- AD is configured to only access the Endevor environment named PRODUCT (TSS rule).
3- However, the Endevor ESI Security Trace shows access attempts on other Endevor environments: env1 / env2 / env3 / env4
(Example : TSS7251E Access Denied to $ENDEVOR <iprfx.iqual.ENVIRON.env5>)
4- AD has no way of knowing that these other environments exist since they are not in the configuration.
Why does the ENA$NDVR program, try to access all the Endevor environments defined on the system when AD is only configured to access PRODUCT?
Is there a way that the ENA$NDVR program can only access the desired environment?
What is being seen is expected. Whenever a user accesses Endevor, the first check is to see what Endevor Environments the user has access to. When accessing Endevor it reads the C1DEFLTS table to obtain the Envirnoments - then ESI is called to determine what Environments the user has access to - then Endevor builds the Environment access for the individual that is accessing the product.
More infomation on the Endevor Security Access Flow Logic
If there is a need for a group of developers to only access 1 application, the security team along with the Endevor Administration may want to consider putting in place a seperate C1DEFLTS table for its use and only have 1 that 1 Environment in the table. This can be done by implementing the Enuxsite.