Just after startup of Automation Point, the following message appears on the Automation Point servers:
AXC0752W REXX requests are being rejected!
No Rexx execs were being fired off from the rules file. The box for 'Enable AXCREXX' was checked in REXX settings.
Release : 11.6 and above
Component : CA Automation Point
AP didn't end the axcrexx.exe task.. This could be because of Windows maintenance, or locked by a running rexx.
The still running axcrexx.exe task is blocking then the new started AP task to start the new rexx interface task, and that is why it's not able to accept any new rexx.
If possible, it's recommend to restart the entire Automation Point server.
If a reboot of the entire AP server is not possible, follow the steps below:
This will solve the problem