Checking if SNMP is enabled in Dollar Universe nodes.
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Checking if SNMP is enabled in Dollar Universe nodes.


Article ID: 220127


Updated On: 12-31-2023


CA Automic Dollar Universe


We want to understand whether SNMP rewrite community is enabled or disabled. We can find configuration of SNMP monitoring in nodes, but we are not sure if the rewrite is enabled/disabled. 


Release : 6.x



SNMP Monitoring Features of Dollar Universe enables job runs monitoring, within Dollar Universe. Four kinds of notifications can be configured and are listed below:
  • duasUprocStatusChanged: Uproc run status
  • duasSessionStatusChanged: Session run status
  • duasUprocDuration: Uproc duration
  • duasSessionDuration: session duration
The user can configure:
  • Jobs that need monitoring (Task, MU, Session, Uproc)
  • Statuses to be notified
  • Durations: if the run time is too short or too long or if the waiting time is too long

This configuration must be performed for each Dollar Universe node which will send notifications to the SNMP Manager. If the alerting rules are defined on a node it will sent SNMP notifications based on the rules configured. In absence of any alerting rules for the node SNMP monitoring is disabled.

Additional Information

Please note that SNMP v3 is not supported by Dollar Universe yet.