Instructions to configure a custom agent port on a DCS Tomcat Only management server
Data Center Security: Server Advanced
You want to add another Tomcat Only management server to an existing DCS environment but you want to use a custom agent port for the agents that will be connecting to it
Follow the steps outlined below to install and configure a Tomcat Only DCS manager for use with a custom agent por
1. Follow the steps in the article link below to begin a Tomcat Only install for the DCS manager (stop at the step to provide the server.xml path, until after completing step 3 below)
Installing Management Server along with Tomcat using production mode
2. Copy the following file from the Primary Management Server to the new Tomcat Only server:
3. Open the newly copied server.xml file with a plain text editor,to change the default agent port number to the custom agent port number where highlighted in the entry shown below:
<Service name="SSS-Agent-Service">
<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
4. Save the modified server.xml file then proceed with the rest of the Tomcat Only installation as outlined in Step 1 (Be sure to use the newly edited server.xml file from Step 3 when it asks for the server.xml path during the install)
5. Verify the port has changed in the "DCS:SA Configuration Wizard" under "General Settings" as seen in the install process below
6. Complete the manager install process and use the agent-cert.ssl from the Tomcat Only manager server directory with your existing or newly installed DCS agents to verify connectivity of the custom agent port