What steps are needed to upgrade the database only (not initialdata)?
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What steps are needed to upgrade the database only (not initialdata)?


Article ID: 220072


Updated On:


CA Automic One Automation


When upgrading Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, or PostgreSQL, what steps should be taken?

For example, if the Automic Automation database is going to be upgraded from Oracle 12c to 19c, what steps should be taken?


Release : 12.3



Because the database is being upgraded and not an Automic component like the initialdata, the majority of the work will need to be done by a DBA.  In general, here are the recommendations:

  1. Check the compatibility matrix on the Automic Download Center
    Choose Product: Automic Automation or Automic Workload Automation and include the version (for example, Automic Automation 21.0)
    Choose Component: Automation Engine
    Choose Sub-Component: AutomationEngine
    Once the page loads, check under the "Database Heading" to see if the database is supported on the version being looked at
  2. Always test an upgrade in test first!  Never go straight into production without first extensively testing
  3. Work with a DBA to determine what sort of backups of the data and file system should be taken
  4. Work with a DBA to determine a back out plan in case the upgrade does not go as planned
  5. You can let Support know a couple weeks ahead of time 
  6. Stop all Automation Engine components before upgrading the database - see our documentation on Starting and Ending Server Processes
  7. Have a DBA upgrade the database
  8. Have a DBA upgrade the database client to match the database version (see database vendor's documentation and be sure the ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH or similar variables are updated consequently if necessary)
  9. For Java Automation Engine components that use JDBC, the JDBC driver located in the automationengine /bin/lib directory may also need to be updated.   Please see the JWP installation documentation, step 1 for the applicable database for more info
  10. Start the Automation Engine components up again - see the documentation again on Starting and Ending Server Processes

If database agents are being used to connect to the Automation Engine database, their JDBC drivers may also need to be updated: