Symantec Identity Portal - Bulk Load a CSV is Truncating Attribute values when the Attribute contains Spaces
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Symantec Identity Portal - Bulk Load a CSV is Truncating Attribute values when the Attribute contains Spaces


Article ID: 220053


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Portal


When uploading CSV files through Identity Portal with an attribute that contains spaces in an Attribute column is causing only the last word in that column to be presented to Identity Portal upon load.  Everything prior to the last space is being Truncated

Example CSV file including spaces in the Full Name and Last Name:

User ID,Password,Password Verify,Full Name,First Name,Last Name,Org

testuser11,testuser11,testuser11,Test User 11,Test11,Test User 11,im
testuser12,testuser12,testuser12,Test User 12,Test12,Test User 12,im

After loading it is assigning the last word in the column only and truncating everything prior to the last space:

In the above example, this means that the users Full and Last Name would be 11 when the desired outcome is Test User 11


Release : 14.X

Component : Symantec Identity Portal


Identity Portal is not able to escape the spacing on its own.



When loading attributes with special characters such as a (space) it is a best practice to wrap that Attribute in double quotes to ensure the full attribute is loaded.

From the example in the description:

Column Attribute will be truncated: Test User 11
Column Attribute will not be truncated: "Test User 11" 


The following example CSV shows both behaviors, the Full Name is wrapped in Quotes, the Last Name is not:

User ID,Password,Password Verify,Full Name,First Name,Last Name,Org

testuser11,testuser11,testuser11,"Test User 11",Test11,Test User 11,im
testuser12,testuser12,testuser12,"Test User 12",Test12,Test User 12,im

Importing results in the Full name showing correctly with the Last Name being truncated.