The CA 1 (TMS) interface for CA 11 can be turned off using the CA1 options in CA 11.
Release : 11.0
Component : CA-11
To turn off the CA 1 interface specify CA1=NO in the CA 11 options. To change the option value, run the AL7UOPT job in the CA 11 SAMPJCL library after changing CA1 to NO. After AL7UOPT has been successfully reassembled, you can REFRESH the option module by issuing the CA 11 DBAS command COMCHAR REFRESH MOD=U11OPT or cycle CA 11 to pick up the new values. It is a good idea to verify your current options so that you do not change any of the other values accidentally. To display the current options in CA 11, issue the OINQ command or the CA 11 DBAS command COMCHAR DIS OPTIONS.
As always, please contact Broadcom support for Workload Automation Restart Option for z/OS Schedulers (CA 11) if you have further questions.