Deploying a rule in Web Service access in Aion Rule Manager 11.0 is different than Aion Rule Manager 10.2, as the direct link to the rule deployment requires more steps, in 11.0, than 10.2. This document will show how this can be accomplished in version 11.0.
Deploying a rule in Web Service access in Aion Rule Manager 11.0 is different than Aion Rule Manager 10.2, as the direct link to the rule deployment requires more steps, in 11.0, than 10.2. We can take one of the Aion examples, and run through the basic steps to deploy that rule.
Make sure that JBoss is running, and that in EEM, the Aion Rule Manager user has a valid user id and password. JBoss will require that it can find the Java JDK executable files, so the Java JRE runtime libraries will not be sufficient.
Once JBoss is running, go to http://localhost:8080/rmportal and log on as the administrator user. Log on, and if successful, you should see the page "Aion Rule Manager". Depending on how many projects you might already have defined, you might or might not have any existing content in your All Folders module. From here, we will import a Rule Manager project.
In All Folders, click on the "Show Folder Details" icon. You will then be directed to the All Folders page. Click on the Add Content button.
We will use the "LIBRARY_DOWNLOAD_IteratorProject" project.
Navigate to the file in C:\Program Files\CA\AionRM\examples.
Before hitting the OK button, choose the "Upload and Extract" radio button.
Once completed, you should see in the All Folders page the "SampleCollection" project. Drill down inside the SampleCollection project. You will see the IteratorProject project. Click on the IteratorProject link. You will be directed to the IteratorProject page, where you can see the Contents, Properties, Sharing, Location and Deployment tabs. Click on the Deployment tab.
You will now see the Local App Server Deployment page. You should see the Deploy button enabled. Hit Deploy.
If successful, you should be able to see the WSDL file. This will likely be placed in
Your Web Service is now available for access.