When it comes to latency between the Automation Engine and database, the documentation is clear that Oracle should not have too long a latency:
"Latency periods should not be too long when the Automation Engine (server) accesses the database (ping response with 8 K packet size < 1 ms). The same requirement applies when using RAC or Data Guard for the communication between database nodes."
Is this the same for the other databases (DB2, SQL Server, PostgreSQL), or are there other requirements?
Release : 12.3
The same is valid for all databases (Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2): "Latency periods should not be too long when the Automation Engine (server) accesses the database (ping response with 8 K packet size < 1 ms)."
This also applies for migrating databases or automation engine components to the cloud.
The documentation will be updated with this same information.