You receive an error when registering your DLP service with CASB: "either host or url field is required"
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You receive an error when registering your DLP service with CASB: "either host or url field is required"


Article ID: 219885


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Cloud Package Data Loss Prevention Cloud Detection Service


You are attempting to register your DLP Cloud Detection Service (aka "CDS", or "Cloud Detector"), and receive the following error when uploading the token required: "either host or url field is required".


DLP Cloud Detection Service (aka "CDS")

Symantec CloudSOC (aka "CASB")


In this case, it is likely the Detector has an incomplete profile and cannot be registered with the CloudSOC.


Verify that the Cloud Detector has fully completed its profile, by following the guidance in this article:

New Cloud Detection or Cloud Email server added to DLP is not detecting any data uploads or accepting emails (

Additional Information

There are a few token-specific errors which indicate an expired token, use of an incorrect token, or an incomplete profile on the DLP Cloud Detector (which also prevents registration in CASB for a new DLP Detector).

Here is a landing page for other errors which can occur when attempting to register a DLP Detector with CASB:

You receive an error using a token to connect your DLP Cloud Detector to CASB (