Adding a custom app into the app catalog
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Adding a custom app into the app catalog


Article ID: 219882


Updated On:


Rally SaaS Rally On-Premise Rally Perpetual Hosted


How do we go about getting a custom app added to the app catalog in Rally?


First, ensure that the subscription app catalog is enabled:

  1. Click your profile picture dropdown in the upper right corner
  2. Click System Administration
  3. Click Subscription in the top menu
  4. Look for "Allow community app catalog apps"

If it is set to false:

  1. Click the Actions dropdown at the upper right of the page
  2. Click Edit Subscription
  3. Place a checkmark next to "Allow community app catalog apps"
  4. Click "Save & Close"

To add an app to the subscription app catalog

  1. While on  the subscription configuration page, click the Apps link in the left pane
  2. Click the "+ Add New" button
  3. Click the "Add with Details" button
  4. Enter a Name
  5. Paste your source code into the Source field
  6. Click "Save & Close"


Additional Information

keywords: ca agile central