Reporter not working after JAVA upgrade
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Reporter not working after JAVA upgrade


Article ID: 219852


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


After having upgraded Java ( ie from jre1.8.0_251 to jre1.8.0_291), Reporter Client is not generating reports anymore and throws the following error:

Java "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_251\bin\java.exe" is not available : stop here.
report extract called for node NODENAME error level is 1

Reporter server can also fail to start in such situation as it's unable to find java.

How can we fix Reporter and Reporter Client so that they use the updated Java version?


Release : 6.x


Sub-Component: Reporter


Wrong path for Java JRE as value of JAVA_ORSYP in setenv Reporter configuration file/s


As explained in the documentation

If the Java Runtime Environment is upgraded, the Reporter configuration must be modified as follows:

  • Edit the file:
    On Windows: <Reporter root directory>/mgr/setenv.bat
On Linux: <Reporter root directory>/mgr/
  • Modify the JAVA_ORSYP variable and set it to the path of the new JRE
  • Save the file
  • Stop and restart Reporter or relaunch Reporter Extraction or Report Generation Job.

Additional Information

Example of the modification for Reporter Client:

Wrong Java configuration:

Correct Java Configuration for Reporter Client:

Correct Java Configuration for Reporter Server: