DSM Explorer stops with the following error message : "Error connecting to database [CMM000025]"
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DSM Explorer stops with the following error message : "Error connecting to database [CMM000025]"


Article ID: 21985


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


DSM Explorer fails with the following error:

             "Error connecting to database [CMM000025]"


Client Automation - All Versions


Make sure the following 2 things are correct:

  1. You are pointing to the correct Database:

         ccnfcmda -cmd getparametervalue -ps itrm/database/default -pn dbmsserver

         If it is wrong,  then you can use the following command to fix it: 

        ccnfcmda -cmd setparametervalue -ps itrm/database/default -pn dbmsserver -v <database_server_name>

  1. You are pointing to the Correct Inst and Port:

        ccnfcmda -cmd getParameterValue -ps itrm/database/default/ -pn dbmsinstance


Make sure that the SQL Port, in the above commands matches what is under SQL Configuration Manager is configured correctly, which can be verified on SQL Server side under

SQL Configuration Manager -> SQL Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER -> Right click on TCP/IP -> Properties.

Click on the IP Address Tab and scan to bottom of the Screen  and ensure that the IPALL TCP port matches what is listed for the command above.

In order to update port configuration, the following command can be executed:

       ccnfcmda -cmd setParameterValue -ps itrm/database/default/ -pn dbmsinstance  -v <instance_name,port>