Datacom area spans 37 volumes yet using DSINFO it only shows the first volume and the first 16 extents on that volume.
How to get the other 36 volumes without having to specify the VOLSER for each volume?
Issuing the DSCAT command with a variable or fixed character, insure using the variable defined to the profile, some cases that could be = or * depending on your profile.
As for the DSINFO on a multi volume dataset, SYSVIEW will only show the first volume.
Using the DSCAT command for the multi volume datasets, using line command LCAT which will show the LISTCAT for the dataset.
If seeing all of the volumes and the extents is useful, then submit an idea on the communities site.
As for DSINFO, a specific data set need to be specify. This is documented in the HELP for DSINFO.
A list of datasets can be obtained using the specified masking character. From that list, enter line command LC next to the data set to obtain the researched information.
There is no method of obtaining that information for multiple data sets at the same time. A REXX execute can be written to perform that function for a list of data sets and save it to a file.