Use of MERGE option within Copycat Filecopy.
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Use of MERGE option within Copycat Filecopy.


Article ID: 219823


Updated On: 07-20-2021


CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility TLMS Tape Management CA 1 Flexible Storage


What is the difference with the Copycat MERGE option? I just want to copy a series of tapes to a new series.


CA Copycat - CA TLMS and CA-1.


By default, the MERGE option is set to YES. If the goal is to copy a volume series to another media type, you need to use the MERGE=NO option. With this option, you are making an identical copy of the input volume to a new output volume(s).
Example 1). A new VTS system is coming in and you need to copy all of the volumes from the old VTS to the new VTS.
Volsers 100000 and 100001 are the inputs.
Volsers 20000 and 200001 were used for output.
All data and chaining will be copied from the input volumes and re-cataloged to the 200000 and 200001 volumes.
Volsers 100000 and 100001 are the inputs.
Volser 200000 will have the data from volser 100000 and 100001. Volser 200000 will have 2 files, one from volser 100000 and 100001. You would not want to use the MERGE=YES to make identical copies.
Options to be aware of:
RECATLG= . You can use RECATLG or ALL for this. RECATLG=ALL will un-catalog the input and catalog the new output volumes. RECATLG=PREV will catalog the output IF the input was cataloged.
OUTDISP= . Assign the same retention on the output file that was on the input file.