When accessing the Insight tab after a successful Insight installation and configuration we see the error "There is problem connecting to the configured report server. Please make sure it is correctly configured and up running."
This is after going through each configuration step without any errors, and using the Fully Qualified Domain Names when accessing AAI, when installing and configuring Insight.
When accessing the browser's Developer Tools, we found a 404 and 500 error.
There is problem connecting to the configured report server. Please make sure it is correctly configured and up running.
Release : 6.3.0
We checked the <Install Dir>\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth-mt.xml file for the jawsBaseUrl and found it had the Insight FQDN when it should have been the AAI server.
<property name="jawsBaseUrl">
Found that the Insight server was used in the installation script for the /j option, which should have been the FQDN of the AAI server.
We updated the jawsBaseUrl to the AAI server like below:
<property name="jawsBaseUrl">
After restarting Insight they were able to see the Insight reports.
Note that if you make changes to the jawsBaseUrl in the applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth-mt.xml file, you should also update the <Insight Install Dir>/termaBi-config.bat file and update the "set JAWS_HOST=JawsHostName" value as well to match the FQDN of the AAI hostname.
If you do not complete this step, your changes will be overwritten on your next upgrade of Insight.