Member &ITK in the hlq.CIMTCLS0 clist library can be used to start HPR's Recovery Analyzer (RA) ISPF application. By default the hlq.CIMTLOAD load library will be used by $ITK when RA generates the job control to recover IMS data bases. Can the $ITK Rexx be amended in order to allocate a second load library to the STEPLIB concatenation in the RA generated recovery job?
To enable a second load library to be allocated in the RA generated recovery job control, the $ITK Rexx in hlq.CIMTCLS0 can be changed as follows:
STATEMENT BEFORE CHANGE : "SET &ITKVLLIB = &STR(&HILVLQ..&LOAD)" STATEMENT AFTER CHANGE : "SET &ITKVLLIB = &STR(','&HILVLQ..&LOAD) Using the changed REXX will result in genereating this STEPLIB DD statement in the RA generated recovery job control : //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR, // // DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=default.loadlib (generated from variables &HILVLQ..&LOAD) // DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=ims.SDFSRESL