Minimal hardware requirements for Windows CSE
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Minimal hardware requirements for Windows CSE


Article ID: 219671


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What are the minimum hardware requirements for Windows CSE ?


Release : 8.6

Component : CA Gen Client Server Encyclopedia


We highly recommend to have the CSE software and the database on one machine, for better performance. Below are minimum hardware recommendation for a Windows CSE

CPU: 2.4 MHZ Memory: 8 GB recommended, if using 64-bit Windows (Have your DBA give the CSE database a good chunk of this memory) Disk: Use the calculation from the Client Server Encyclopedia Administration Guide. Or, should have at least the same amount of disk space on current CSE.

Multiple physical drives is recommended so that the database can be split for better performance.

Currently Oracle 19c is used with GEN 8.6 .Even though Oracle databases are now generally 64-bit, the Windows CSE is still 32-bit software and thus requires using the 32-bit Oracle for Windows client to connect to a 64-bit Oracle database. and the connection also requires the use of an Oracle service name via the Oracle TNS Listener. An Oracle 32-bit client cannot connect to a Oracle 64-bit database using a local (Bequeath Protocol) connection and instead must connect via the Oracle TNS Listener using an Oracle Net Service Name

It is recommended that you have the database and the message dispatcher software installed on the same machine since the message dispatcher software is a database intensive application. If they are put on different machine then there is a high potential for a network bottleneck.

When setting up Oracle, you will need to use Oracle's IPC adapter to keep from going out on the network. IPC should talk 32-bit client to 64-bit database. Another alternative is to set a Windows loopback connector where Oracle thinks it is talking TCP but Windows just does a loopback. Both of these will keep communications from going out onto the network. I do not recommend putting the CSE in a VM. Even though supported, it just adds more software in the mix to execute

Please refer to Client Server Encyclopedia Administration Guide for additional information on CSE recommendations and tuning.

Client Server Encyclopedia Administration