There are too many unprocessed files in the reporting folder of SRM, resulting in the following alarm being generated:
Spectrum 10.4.x and later
Implemented the following to identify the device and corresponding NCM events causing the issue, then delete them from the DB:
cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin
./mysql -uroot -proot reporting
select * from bucketactivitylog where bucket_table_name like "%ncmconfig%" and destroy_time is null group bylandscape_h order by creation_time asc;
show tables like <ncmconfigbucket33554432_1515765462386>;
select * from <ncmconfigbucket33554432_1515765462386> limit 1 \G
delete from <ncmconfigbucket33554432_1515765462386> where event_seq = ?;
Replace the '?' with the value of event_seq from the output of step 5:
select * from <ncmconfigbucket33554432_1515765462386> limit 1 \G
The query above should give you the complete record from the bucket table. One of the columns is event_seq. It is a unique id to delete that error record.