CCS error: "Failed to get the operating system type"
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CCS error: "Failed to get the operating system type"


Article ID: 219586


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Standards Module


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

CCS is reporting the error "Failed to get the operating system type..." when running an Asset Update or during data collection or Collection-Evaluation-Reporting (CER) job.

The full error is:
Failed to get the operating system type. The error returned is
"We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System=0D=0AAdministrator.
It usually boils down to these three things:=0D=0A=0D=0A    
#1) Respect the privacy of others.=0D=0A    
#2) Think before you type.=0D=0A    
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.=0D=0A=0D=0A\[sudo\] password for <user>: =0D=0Asudo: no password was provided=0D=0Asudo: a password is required"


CCS 12.5.x

CCS 12.6.x


CCS is not expecting any output or prompts when logging into a Unix server.

When having the sudo lecture warning enabled, it gives that warning which CCS then interprets as the output of trying to determine the OS type.

Since CCS is unable to determine the OS based on that output, it throws that error.

Also as seen in the error displayed above, sudo is configured to require a password.  CCS does not support being prompted for the password.


On the Unix targets make sure that the 'sudo lecture' is disabled at least for the user account CCS is configured with.
Also, make sure that the password prompt is also disabled.

Once those items are remediated, run the CCS Job again and it will now complete.

KB on using the sudo mode without using NOPASSWD in CCS

Additional Information

Additional information from 3rd party location:

Lecture Your Sudoers

Keeping the fancy sudo warning forever (