DX Spectrum OneClick Webapp is not working after upgrade to 21.2
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DX Spectrum OneClick Webapp is not working after upgrade to 21.2


Article ID: 219438


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


After upgrade to spectrum 21.2 the  Webapp stopped working. 

SwingProcessImpl.java:372) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_fad1d200e1a8_1626138595995] ERROR: Failed to connect websocket to server [wss://dausyd-specoc01:8080/spectrum/oneclickwebapp/async/app-bin?instanceId=oneclickwebapp_anonym_fad1d200e1a8_1626138595995&sessionPoolId=default-pool&reconnect=false]! -> [Ljava.lang.Object;@ba8d91c | 
2021-07-13 11:09:57,905 INFO  [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:372) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_fad1d200e1a8_1626138595995] ERROR: Exiting application because it could not connect to server -> jakarta.websocket.DeploymentException: Connection failed.



Release : 21.2

Component : Spectrum OneClick


1. Based on the Exception(SSLHandshakeException) looked at the keystorefilepath in server.xml file of both tomcat and webtomcat and they were same but the truststorepath in webswing.properties was having wrong cert path and wrong password.

> This was related to  custom certs.

> Change and bounce webtomcat it will work and launch webapp fine.