Domain contains illegal character message in maileater
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Domain contains illegal character message in maileater


Article ID: 219363


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


There's an issue with maileater where some emails are not being processed by maileater.

Seeing "Domain contains illegal character" in maileater logs, ie:

2021-07-11 21:37:04:534 DEBUG  [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] c.c.S.m.JavaMailParser - [mailbox:Mailbox-PROD:400002] Start processing the Email message from ([email protected]) of subject (Test-Subject1)

2021-07-11 21:37:04:534 ERROR  [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] c.c.S.m.ConnectSession - [mailbox:Mailbox-PROD:400002] Error processing email from:
javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Domain contains illegal character
 at javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.checkAddress(


Release : 17.1 and higher

Component : Svc Desk Email


Inclusion of a single quote character in the incoming message's sender email as encapsulation, ie '[email protected]' as opposed to simply [email protected]


The above message states that the sender email address of [email protected] had an illegal character.  Implementations of Java Mail enables strict RFC822 syntax by default.  What this does is that email addresses that are written with a single quote, ie '[email protected]', the above exception will present.

It is recommended that the message being sent to SDM have the single quote character removed to prevent the issue from occurring.

Additional Information

17.1 uses java mail 1.4.1 while 17.3 uses Java or Jakarta Mail 1.6.5

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