Customers can download ISO files from our Support Portal using "Product Downloads". Checksum files can also be found so customers can validate the integrity of the downloaded file.
Release : 12.0, 12.1 and 12.1.01
After having copied the ISO file to your Linux or Windows server, you can run the md5sum (linux) or certutil (windows) command to confirm whether the checksum match to the one published.
For Linux environments:
example: md5sum DVDLIN0000000121.iso
For Windows environments:
example: certutil -hashfile DVDWIN0000000121 MD5
This will return the md5 checksum you can compare with the one published. If the string differs from the published one, then the downloaded file is corrupted and customer needs to download them again.
A Second method to validate the checksum of a downloaded product iso file. Perform the following
1. Download the product .iso fle along with the checksum .txt file
2. Open the checksum .txt file.
3. Login as root on LINUX or login to Windows run the checksum tool.
a. cd to the directory where the iso and txt file is located.
b. LINUX: cksum <file>.iso or sha1sum <file>.iso
Windows: fciv.exe -sha1 filename.iso
4. You’ll generate the checksum of your downloaded ISO file, and verify it matches the checksum TXT file you downloaded. This confirms the ISO file hasn’t been tampered with or corrupted.
We recommend the use of the download manager to reduce the risks of corrupted downloaded files.