How to enable teefer kernel cache mode for improved performance
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How to enable teefer kernel cache mode for improved performance


Article ID: 219165


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Endpoint Protection


With the Endpoint Protection firewall installed there is a slow down in network speed and transfer performance due to the firewall component.


The user mode firewall features that process in the user mode or process space, cause a slow down in transfer speed.


To enable teefer kernel cache you must disable all user mode processing to keep all processing at the kernel driver level to enable the caching and improved performance.  This feature only runs when the following components are disabled in the Firewall policy.

  • Protection and Stealth
    • Protection Settings
      • Denial of service detection (unchecked)
    • Stealth Settings
      • OS fingerprint masquerading (unchecked)
  • Peer-to-peer Authentication Settings
    • Peer-to-peer authentication (P2P) (unchecked)
  • Intrusion Prevention
    • Customer Intrusion Prevention Signatures
      • Make sure that no custom IPS rules are created under the "Custom Intrusion Prevention Signatures" tab
      • This tab should be blank

In addition, the fix will not work if on any firewall rule you have enabled packet logging. 

Once all these features are disabled the processing should remain in the teefer kernel driver with the caching featured enabled.  You will see an improvement in network transfer speed.