Is it possible to view audit trail for Custom Investment in Modern UX?
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Is it possible to view audit trail for Custom Investment in Modern UX?


Article ID: 219098


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Would like to audit a custom investment object in the Modern UX.
For this purpose, the intention is to create a channel in the new UI that would point to the audit trail URL on the classic interface.

The problem is, custom investment instances are not available in the classic UI.
How would it be possible to audit trail custom investments?



Clarity PPM 15.x, 16.x


Currently, it is only possible to view the audited custom investments via the Global Audit View in Classic PPM.

This is documented on the TechDocs guide:

Clarity: Configure Custom Investment Types

Investment types do not support Studio actions or views. The Actions and Views tabs are hidden in Classic PPM Studio.
The system creates a default portlet page for each new investment type, but the ability to display the default portlet page is disabled.
You cannot use the Classic PPM Studio Menu Manager to associate an investment type link or investment type portlet page.
You cannot create a subobject under an investment type object.
You can enable insert and update audit trail on attributes; however, delete is not available. 
Insert and Update operations can only be viewed via the Global Audit View in Classic PPM

Admins can create channel to go to Global Audit from MUX.

Example below:


z_cust_inv is the code which need to be hardcoded for your custom investment.

${code} will be mapped to your custom investment instance id.