You perform a new Enforce Installation and the Symantec DLP Incident Persister Service fails to start.
You may see the following message when trying to start the services,
You may also see this in the IncidentPersister0.log file,
[com.vontu.incidenthandler.IncidentPersister.start] Unexpected error starting Incident Persister. java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid JDBC configuration file
Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.8.00000\Protect\config\EncryptedPropertiesFilesEncryptionKey.key
[com.vontu.incidenthandler.IncidentPersister.main] Exiting incident persister process with error java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid JDBC configuration file
Release : 15.8, 15.8 mp1.
Component : Enforce Server
There were services from a previous version of Enforce server which remained and are in an automatic startup type.
You must remove the previous version DLP Enforce server services.