It is possible to share views in the Modern UX and multiple of them can be set as default.
How are these applied when loading a view?
Release : 15.9.1
Component : Clarity MUX UI Usability
The criteria is that the first default view in the list wins. So, put the one you want to default for new users as the first in the list of default views.
The default views are a way for a super user (who has the Views - Administer right - which will usually be an admin type user) to set a series of default views for users. These views are in the "default views" group at the top of the views pull-down so they are easy for a user to find and select. The default views are not intended to control the user experience: For example, if the user changes the view to some other view - that view is remembered and they will land on it when accessing the page.