When trying to move tasks in the Gantt the below error is generated. You may instead notice the Gannt is blank, and when filtering in the Gantt, the below error is generated.
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "temp_wbs_global_session_u1" Detail: Key (taskid)=(5152381) already exists. Executed: insert into TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL_SESSION( taskid, projectid, wbssequence, wbslevel, origwbslevel,origwbssequence, par_seq, nnb_seq, origpartask, orignnbtask ) ( SELECT task.prid, task.prprojectid, task.prwbssequence, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbssequence, task.wbs_parseq, task.wbs_nnbseq , PARENTTASK.PRID, NNBTASK.PRID FROM PRTASK TASK LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK PARENTTASK ON PARENTTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_PARSEQ AND PARENTTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK NNBTASK ON NNBTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_NNBSEQ AND NNBTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID WHERE TASK.PRPROJECTID = ? ) Derived from statement: insert into @temporary@( taskid, projectid, wbssequence, wbslevel, origwbslevel,origwbssequence, par_seq, nnb_seq, origpartask, orignnbtask ) ( SELECT task.prid, task.prprojectid, task.prwbssequence, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbssequence, task.wbs_parseq, task.wbs_nnbseq , PARENTTASK.PRID, NNBTASK.PRID FROM PRTASK TASK LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK PARENTTASK ON PARENTTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_PARSEQ AND PARENTTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK NNBTASK ON NNBTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_NNBSEQ AND NNBTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID WHERE TASK.PRPROJECTID = ? ) Referenced by: Using input: {@temporary@=TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL_SESSION, projectId=5016161} Using dynamic SQL: tag: @temporary@ SQL:TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL_SESSION".
Release : All Supported
There are three options to fix the issue below:
Important: It's not supported to switch scheduler formats for a project (From OWB to MSP or vice versus, so make sure the project is exported in the same scheduler type if it was previously saved back from OWB or MSP)
Have DBA team run the stored procedure called prj_wbs_update_sp(with_project_id_having_issue) Note: SaaS Customer can reach out to Broadcom Support