Determining the number of tasks for FXX (Logging Force) area
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Determining the number of tasks for FXX (Logging Force) area


Article ID: 21896


Updated On: 12-16-2024


Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


Is there a way to determine how many tasks were used when the Datacom FXX was initialized?



To determine the number of tasks initialized in the FXX, you can refer to your Multi-User (MUF) output for the "LOG FILE (LXX) OUTPUT" report.

For example, this report shows the tasks initialized in the FXX was 2000:

FXX TOTAL TASKS -  ALLOWED - 2025     MOST USED -   31      (SYSTEM TASKS - 25)   
FXX USER TASKS* -  ALLOWED - 2000     MOST USED -    6    


Additional Information

If you need to increase the number of TASKS in the Multi-user (MUF) startup, be sure that the number of tasks in the FXX is equal to or greater than the TASKS in the MUF. Remember that the FXX is paired with the LXX logging file.

For more information about initializing the FXX, please refer to the Datacom documentation topic INIT FXX (Format Force Area).

If upgrading Datacom to a new release, please also review Knowledge Base article 57005, titled "Determining if FXX TASKS value needs adjustment for new Datacom release."

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.