We have to perform password change activity for autosys r12 application, EEM, wcc & DB . The autosys and WCC is using Oracle database
Release : 12
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
The main difference is that the autosys services needs to be stopped during this process whereas WCC the services needs to be running as we need to use the batch interface to change the password
Changing the password for 'aedbadmin'
After your DBA has updated the password for 'aedbadmin', there is nothing else you need to do with this user.
Changing the password for 'autosys'
For standalone single server install we can use "change database password" option 3 of the autosys_secure command, the local configuration file is automatically updated.
For a HADS you can generate DBAccess parameter password in AES encrypted format using the autosys_secure command (using option 6 and then option 1)
We need to update the encrypted password in all the config files in the 3 schedulers in HADS
Your DBA can change the database password in sqlplus
Then run the following commands
wcc_config -u ejmcommander -p ejmcommander --dbplatform ORACLE --dbuser user_a --dbpassword my_password --dbhost localhost --dbport 1521 --dbname orcl --dbschemauser wccadmin
wcc_config -u ejmcommander -p ejmcommander --dbplatform ORACLE --dbuser user_a --dbpassword my_password --dbhost localhost --dbport 1521 --dbname orcl --dbschemauser wccadmin --dbapp REPORTING
If additional collectors are installed, then use the wcc_config utility with --collectorname to change the database pointed by the collector.
Then restart the wcc services