Project created from Template is not providing necessary rights to collaboration manager.
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Project created from Template is not providing necessary rights to collaboration manager.


Article ID: 218913


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


It seems if a project is created out of a template and a manager assigned(which becomes the default collaboration Manager) , that manager does not seems to have full permissions to move/delete/or set Permissions.

But if the same manager uploads any other document, system is providing him all the default rights ( Delete, Move and to set Permissions).


  • When project is created via template and the documents that are attached from the template only user who creates the project has more actions available to them when compared to another user who is also made collaboration manager.
  • Actions missing for a document are Properties, Permissions, Move and Delete.
  • The reason for this behavior is because another user even though he/she is Collaboration Manager they are not owner of this document and these actions they are missing only apply to owner.