How to upgrade default Apache in Applications Manager
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How to upgrade default Apache in Applications Manager


Article ID: 218907


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CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


Appworx 9.3.x: Apache 2.0 is the default HTTP server included in the install download.


Some vulnerability assessments will find issues with this version and recommend to upgrade Apache to the latest version, as soon as possible.

Provide a guide of the steps on how to upgrade Apache

Is there any impact on Appworx to upgrade Apache?




Release : 9.3



The Apache version delivered with Applications Manger is version 2.0, and is 32 bit.  We ship with an older version in order to be compatible with older supported OS's.  Therefore, If you are running a 64 bit machine (especially Unix or Linux machines), starting the Apache server after an install/upgrade is a common problem because the older 32 bit libraries are not available on newer OS's (or 64 bit machines) by default.

If it is necessary to continue to use Apache 2.0, the 32bit libraries need to be installed on the server.

Here is a link which provides basic details below.

Please note this is not an official Broadcom document thus we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Additionally, while we package Apache with our installation, we do not provide Apache support. If any questions arise please refer to your system admin for further details or Apache Support.

Lastly, if the decision is that version 2.0 is too old and would like to install your own version of Apache, we do have a community post that details that. It includes a couple of attachments. Below is the link to the post:

Latest versions of Applications Manager (starting with v9.4) will include Tomcat as the default HTTP server, instead of Apache.