Enrollment Statistics show 0 clients enrolled
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Enrollment Statistics show 0 clients enrolled


Article ID: 218900


Updated On:


Endpoint Security Complete Endpoint Protection with Endpoint Detection and Response


Enrollment Statistics show 0 clients enrolled


Release : 4.5.0

Component :


  1. On Settings > Global, examine the list of SEP Database connections to confirm EDR has a way to discover clients. Without this, EDR will always list Total Clients as 0 for each SEPM Controller.
  2. On Settings > Global, examine the list of SEPM Controller connections to confirm EDR has a way to send a policy to SEP clients telling them to enroll with EDR.Reboot the SEDR appliance
  3. About 30 - 60 minutes after reboot verify the enrollment statistics (note that there should be a large number of clients that are in the "Authentication Pending" state)
  4. If there are clients that are enrolled (or in Authentication Pending), then monitor the SEDR appliance for the next 24 hours and provide a status update
  5. If there are still 0 clients enrolled (and 0 clients in Authentication Pending) then remove the SEPM controllers
  6. Navigate to Settings -> Global -> Endpoint Communication Channel, SEP Policies, and Endpoint Activity Recorder
  7. Click the three dots next to each SEPM controller
  8. Select "Remove"
  9. Re-add each of the SEPM controllers
  10. Wait for 30 - 60 minutes
  11. Verify the enrollment statistics for each SEPM Controller (note that there should be a large number of clients that are in the "Authentication Pending" state)
  12. If there are still 0 clients enrolled (and 0 clients in Authentication Pending) then;
    Open a support case and provide...
    - new screenshots of the enrollment statistics
    - a new diagnostics from the EDR appliance