ACFRECVR Recovery Proc.
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ACFRECVR Recovery Proc.


Article ID: 21890


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I need to set up ACF2 Recovery Procedures and I have questions on the ACFRECVR Proc and the RECOVER Batch Job.

There is a sample:


...command that has undefined parameters.

It's unclear how many SMF Files can be used for the Recovery Process or whether ACF2 can be running at the time?



The purpose of Recovery is to rebuild the ACF2 Databases from the last available Sequential Backup Files. The Backups are REPRO'd to new Databases and the new Databases are then updated with the ACF2 SMF Records, created since the last Backup was taken.

The Recovery Process can take place while ACF2 has been brought up, with whatever viable Databases are available. After the Recovery has been completed, ACF2 can be switched to the Restored Databases.

There is a sample RECOVER Batch Job in CAIJCL, and a sample ACFRECVR Proc in CAIPROC.

The RECOVER and ACFRECVR Members that are shown in the doc, and in the supplied Installation Libraries, are examples only. They have to be tailored to address a site's requirements.

It is possible that a site may choose to have multiple versions of the Batch Job and the Proc, in order to have them ready for different situations.

The RECOVER Batch Job example creates new Alternate Databases and REPROs the Backups to them, and then reads in all the Post-Backup SMF Files. The RECOVER Job can have as many SMFxxxxx DDs as is necessary, as input. The Job could be modified to create Primary Databases instead of Alternates, or just one Database. The Job parameters can also specify a 'start date/time' and an 'end date/time', in order to avoid updating a Database with a command that may have caused the outage.

The ACFRECVR Proc contains comments that include a sample:


...command with parameters. These parameters are positional and represent the UNIT, VOLUME and a Single Input SMF file, i.e.


S ACFRECVR,unit,volser,DSN=input.smf.file

...UNIT and VOLSER are optional, in which case the command appears as:

S ACFRECVR,,,DSN=input.smf.file

If there are multiple SMF Input Files, the ACFRECVR Proc has to be re-run multiple times, specifying each SMF File in turn. The RECOVER Batch Job can accomplish the same updates in one execution, since multiple SMFxxxxxDDs can be specified.


Additional Information:

The ACF2 Database recovery RECOVER Job and ACFRECVR Proc are documented in the Reports and Utilities Guide, in the Database Recovery chapter.


Release: ACF2..001AO-16-ACF2

