MySQL replication fails after a restart of the Gateway appliance with fatal error 1236
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MySQL replication fails after a restart of the Gateway appliance with fatal error 1236


Article ID: 218846


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CA API Gateway


When we stop the MySQL slave process or stop the gateway appliance to restart , we often have this error:

Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Cannot replicate because the master purged required binary logs.

Replicate the missing transactions from elsewhere, or provision a new slave from backup. Consider increasing the master's binary log expiration period. The GTID set sent by the slave is '354aea7f-410c-11eb-a7e6-4af1d96b8c7e:318-17273304,
b614d18b-410d-11eb-996c-1d6cc7a0cd25:1-20411', and the missing transactions are '354aea7f-410c-11eb-a7e6-4af1d96b8c7e:1-317''



Release : 10.x

Component : API GATEWAY


This could occur when the max binlogs are too small and are overwritten during the time the replication is down.

You can increase the max binlog size in the my.cnf the default is 


Make sure there is enough disk space to store the increased binlog size