We are planning to monitor the process to ensure windows service is up and running . So in order to do that we are planning to use EPA agent which uses the below script.
windows processAvailability.pl
If we want to monitor multiple processes, how should we mention them in bundle.properties
Should we use multiple entries or we can group it using "OR" operator
introscope.epagent.stateless.EpaSamples.MATCHEDPROCS.command=perl {ApmExtensionHome}\\bin\\processAvailability.pl -match ^java -distinctmatch
Release : 10.7.0, 20.x
Component : Agent
The script only appears to accept (or report) one argument at time even when using the distinctMatch argument.
Therefore create a separate entry for each process to check e.g.
introscope.epagent.plugins.stateless.names=PROC1, PROC2
introscope.epagent.stateless.PROC1.command=perl C:\\EPAgent10.7.0.45windows\\epagent\\epaplugins\\windows\\processAvailability.pl -match ^java
introscope.epagent.stateless.PROC2.command=perl C:\\EPAgent10.7.0.45windows\\epagent\\epaplugins\\windows\\processAvailability.pl -match ^cmd