Does ACF2 support certificates generated by a product called Venafi? Is there a specific method of installing this key/cert?
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Does ACF2 support certificates generated by a product called Venafi? Is there a specific method of installing this key/cert?


Article ID: 218818


Updated On:


ACF2 ACF2 - MISC ACF2 - z/OS Top Secret


ACF2, Top secret. Does ACF2 support certificates generated by a product called Venafi? Is there a specific method of installing a key/certificate?


All three ESMs(ACF2, Top Secret and RACF) support X.509 certificate encoded using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) or base-64, a PKCS #7 chain of certificates encoded using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) or base-64, or a PKCS #12 chain of certificates encoded using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) or base-64. As long as the Venafi certificate or certificate package is in the noted formats standard certificate and keyring administrative commands can be used to process the the certificates.