JCLto download OPS 14.0 pax file
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JCLto download OPS 14.0 pax file


Article ID: 218814


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Could you please provide the pax file for OPSMVS Version 14.0 and the FTP JCL which can be used to transfer the file from CA site directly to Mainframe system?




Release : 14.0

Component : OPS/MVS


You should create a FTP download request yourself at our support site and use that order in your FTP job.
The pax file is the same for a JES2 or JES2 installation.
The link below contains the OPS pax files available for download:


Select the FTP option of the SMP/E JCL Package:

When you click in the FTP button you will see your order in the next page. Click in the FTP button to see the download instructions:

Having your order number you can use a JCL like below to download the file directly to your mainframe:

//GETPAX EXEC PGM=FTP,REGION=0K                    
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                             
//OUTPUT DD SYSOUT=*                               
//INPUT DD *                                       
your-email-address  your-broadcom-support-password
lcd /u/users/zzzzz <- local USS folder             
get /nnnnnnnn/DVD11101251E.pax.Z          

where nnnnnnnn is the order number of your download request.