On 3-tier installation, you need to have installed the Oracle Client on the Enforce server in order to install or upgrade Enforce.
This guide is intended as a quick starter overview of the install process.
This quick guide is not meant to replace our full installation guides. For this please review the Oracle documentation for steps to install the Oracle client.
Please note: This is for an installation with Oracle Database on a separate server as Enforce. If Oracle server is installed on Enforce, you do not need the Oracle client.
How to install/upgrade the Oracle Client on Enforce for Windows
Installing the Oracle Client on a new machine.
Upgrading Oracle Client on Enforce
While it is technically feasible to upgrade the Oracle client, we DO NOT recommend it. Upgrading really means installing the new version of the client and you will have multiple versions of the Oracle Client installed on the same machine.
Recommendation is to REMOVE previous version of Oracle Client prior to installing new version. Also would recommend you clear out the ORACLE_HOME system variable if its set. In steps above we had asked to rename the path to c:\oracle. This will be greyed out and you will not be able to modify this. The reason for this is it is controlled by the ORACLE_HOME system variable.
Windows determines which Oracle client to call based on the PATH system variable. Modify your environment variables under system properties and specifically the PATH variable so it only includes the path to the new version of the oracle client. For example lets say the PATH variable looks like:
C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJRE\jdk8u302-b08-jre\bin;C:\oracle\product\19.0.0\client_1\bin;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;
Here the PATH only shows to the Oracle 19 client installed. If the 12c client is installed also, the system does not 'see' it. If another client is installed, and the need arises to revert the system back to the older version of the client, you could modify the PATH variable again and remove the 19c reference and put in the 12c reference again.
Please note any changes to the variables means you need to refresh the session. Restart services and open a new command prompt window.