Vantage SRM Windows Client B871 plus apply Patch 5.
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Vantage SRM Windows Client B871 plus apply Patch 5.


Article ID: 218717


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


Upgrading to Vantage Windows Client B871 Service Patch 5.




To check the level of your Windows Client, go to the Main Toolbar / Help / About.

The WC level should be listed as: 12.7.871.x

You can install Patch 5 to your Windows Client that is at any level of B871. 

Patch 5 is cumulative so the earlier Patches do not have to be applied.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:                                                           

It will be best to reboot your PC just before beginning this upgrade and have no other applications running. 
Make a copy of the BrightStor SRM folders before installing Patch 5. 

This patch includes a new build of the Host Configuration Client and update    
for the Scheduler Service as well as security updates. If you are running the SRM link Service (CA SRM     
and CA Vantage Link Service) or the CA scheduler service (CA SRM and           
CA Vantage Scheduler), please turn these services off before applying          
patch 12.7.871.5 on the Windows Client 12.7.871 or B871 with prior patches installed.

Instructions to install B871 Patch 5:

1. Logon to: with your Broadcom User-ID and Password.

2. Navigate to the URL:  Security or Integrity Problem (Patch 5 download)

   (this webpage will be titled "SECURITY OR INTEGRITY PROBLEM  LU04522")

3. Scroll down to: Solution Downloads.

4. The Zip file is:
5. When you have unzipped the 12.7.871.5.EXE and you double-click it, 
   it will install over the current install.
When the Patch is installed, in the Help/About the release is shown as: 12.7.871.5.