When access Manage Offline Endpoint Configuration it shows the error "Error: ???key: 8100???"
Release : 14.3
5 node cluster
Oracle 18
14.1 to 14.3 CP2 in-place upgrade
No Siteminder
Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)
14.3 CP2 where a client had custom Workpoint workflows. It is believed they overwrote their workflows with their custom ones on import. This exposed this error Error ???key 8100??. It was found in 14.3CP2 there is no 8100 in identitymanagerexceptions.properties.
Added the following to IdentityManagerExceptions.properties.
The "IdentityManagerExceptions.properties" file is located under the folder
For standalone
For vApp
#Messages from Id 8100 - 8200 reserved for offline endpoint management
8100=Event {0} is not mapped to workflow process {1}. Unable to continue.
8101=Offline Endpoint Management is disabled for the environment.
Note: If you are using a different language than English, change the correspondent file as well, for example, for Spanish the file is "IdentityManagerExceptions_es.properties"
In 14.4 the IdentityManagerExceptions.properties contain the 8100 records and will display the error properly if all default workflows are deleted where offline endpoint would then display "8100=Event {0} is not mapped to workflow process {1}. Unable to continue." as expected.