How to exclude a Directory from Software Signature Scan?
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How to exclude a Directory from Software Signature Scan?


Article ID: 21869


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CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


How do I exclude a directory from Software Signature Scan?


CA Client Automation - All Versions


The program that runs the Signature Scan is
  • amsoftscan and is located in the CA\DSM\Bin folder on Windows
  • caevmscli and is located in /opt/CA/DSM/Agent/AM on Unix/Linux
It uses the:
  • W0000xxx.xml file from the CA\DSM\Agents\units\0000001\UAM folder to scan for Software on Windows 
  • l0000xxx.xml file from /opt/CA/DSM/Agent/AM/work/data folder on Unix/Linux
and it creates the amsoft.xml file that it's stored:
in CA\DSM\Agents\units\0000001\UAM\bak on Windows
in /opt/CA/DSM/Agent/AM/work/data/BAK on Unix/Linux
By default it scans all files in all Directories, but you can limit which Directories it search using the command below:
Directories can be excluded from the Software Signature scan via the ccnfcmda configuration command.
1. On the Domain Manager machine execute the following command:

ccnfcmda -cmd SetParameterValue -ps itrm/common/caf/plugins/engine -pn IgnoreDirForSignature -v "C:\windows\temp,C:\recycler,/tmp,/etc"

        This is an example. Replace "C:\windows\temp,C:\Recycler,/tmp,/etc" by a list of Windows or Linux/Unix directories which should be excluded from the scan.
        The delimiter is comma.
2.  Wait the next execution of the "Default Software Contents Download Job" in order to have a new W*.ZML and/or U*.ZML file generated under:
Remark :
It is possible to force generation of new ZML files by executing this SQL request :
For W*.ZML (Windows)
update ca_settings set set_val_lng=set_val_lng+1 where set_id=4
For U*.ZML (Unix/Linux)
update ca_settings set set_val_lng=set_val_lng+1 where set_id=6
3.  These new files contain the list of directories to exclude and will be used by CA Client Automation Asset Management Agent during Software signature scan.