I currently have a Datacom Version 15.0 MUF running on my Prod LPAR that is used by CA-11 only. I will be installing 15.1 into Prod that will be used only by CA-7. Can the AXRIM01 job be run on Prod now to load the 15.1 DBPCCPR module? Will running this job cause issue with my existing 15.0 MUF? Do I need to add another entry for Datacom into my CARIMPRM member for release 15.1?
Release : 15.1
Release : 15.0
Component : CA Datacom/AD
Component : CA Datacom/DB
The DBPCCPR module used in Version 15.0 can be used for MUFs running Version 15.0 or 15.1, and likewise the DBPCCPR module for 15.1 can be used by MUFs running 15.0 or 15.1.
In addition, you can run the AXRIM01 job (or BDRIM01 for Datacom/DB) at any time, as the new module will be used as soon as it is needed without affecting the current module.
Therefore, you can run the AXRIM01 job now to prepare for work coming in a couple weeks, and I would recommend you update your CAS9 CARIMPRM to use the 15.1 loadlib in the LOADLIB() statement, in case you need to IPL unexpectedly.
As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.