Gen Build Tool profile JAVA tokens for Java 11
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Gen Build Tool profile JAVA tokens for Java 11


Article ID: 218649


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How should the Gen Build Tool profile JAVA tokens be set when using Java 11?


Release : 8.6 Complete

Component : Gen Build Tool


When using Java 11 the BT profile tokens for the JAVA section should be set as follows:

LOC.JDK_HOME=<Oracle Java 11 JDK install directory>

LOC.JAVAEE_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\classes\java11\modules\  (Assuming Gen is installed in default location. The Gen 8.6 java11\modules directory provides required Java EE runtime classes that are no longer included in Java 11)

OPT.JAVAVERSION=11 (the default is 8 for Java 8)

This is documented under: Gen™ 8.6 > Developing > Working with Build Tool > Profile Token Descriptions > JAVA Profile Tokens

Additional Information

Gen 8.6 PTFs RTJ86109 and BTN86117 originally introduced support for building Gen 8.6 Java applications with Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) version 11.
Those PTFs have since been superseded by the Gen 8.6 Complete PTF WKS86200/SO09618