Post upgrade to a new version of DLP Enforce, Tomcat localhost logs contain 'Duplicated i18n key found:'
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Post upgrade to a new version of DLP Enforce, Tomcat localhost logs contain 'Duplicated i18n key found:'


Article ID: 218638


Updated On: 06-30-2021


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


In Tomcat localhost logs, many errors with the "Duplicated i18n key found" appear.  For example:

07 Apr 2021 08:18:49,669- Thread: 108 WARNING [com.vontu.manager.angular.I18nUtil] Duplicated i18n key found: common.form.cancel
07 Apr 2021 08:18:49,669- Thread: 108 WARNING [com.vontu.manager.angular.I18nUtil] Duplicated i18n key found: incident.status.New


Release : All releases

Component : Enforce


This Tomcat error is logged after a Data Loss Prevention Enforce version upgrade, when utilizing a Web Browser which previously accessed a differing (usually previous) version of Data Loss Prevent Enforce console.  Each user which logs in to a new or different version of Data Loss Prevention Enforce console will trigger this error to occur once in the logs.  Subsequent login events for the same version and user will not trigger this.  In large environments, there can be a large number of the aforementioned WARNING messages generated. 


This WARNING level message can be ignored.  Broadcom Engineering is investigating if the WARNING nature of these messages is necessary instead of some other level of message such as INFO.