Create new DEFLOGON and add new application in MAI / SOLVE:Access
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Create new DEFLOGON and add new application in MAI / SOLVE:Access


Article ID: 218479


Updated On: 06-29-2021


SOLVE: Access Session Management


I need to add a new application to a group session list, but need to first add a new DEFLOGON as it is not yet defined. 
How do I set this up?
I would also like to clean up Appl Ids defined on MAI menu that are not used, then add the new Appl Ids being implemented.
The Guide says to try with Primary command (L or LOGON) or line command (M-Modify or U-Update, R- Repeat) but that is only for one user with a unique session list.
If we want to make the changes at group level rather than at user level, what steps needs to be performed?
I could not see the CA Vantage Applids defined for my ID on MAI Session menu, whereas it was defined for other group profiles, so in that case, how to make or manage session list for particular group profiles?.



Release : 5.0

Component : CA SOLVE:Access Session Management


Adding a new APPLID which is not defined in DEFLOGON.

By default, DEFLOGON statements are defined in the $ACINIT member in your TESTEXEC.
You can verify what member is being used by going to /PARMS and checking the ACINIT parameter group and reviewing the contents of the 'User Initialization Procedure' field.
This will be the member to update.

General rules:
A DEFLOGON statement is required prior to defining a session in the MAI session list.
A new DEFLOGON statement can be added dynamically.
Existing definitions can be updated dynamically using REPLOGON if the definitions in $ACINIT use REPLOGON instead of DEFLOGON
Any dynamic changes are valid only as long as the region is active. To anchor changes across restarts, they must be added to the DEFLOGON section of the $ACINIT.

A sample statement could look like this

To add it to your SOLVE:Access region dynamically:

  1. Logon to the region.
  2. Issue CMD from the command line to access the Command Entry screen.
  3. Put in the DEFLOGON statement as you wish it to appear in your ACINIT and hit Enter.

You will receive a response back that it has been added. 

For the exact parameters to use in your DEFLOGON statement, we recommend reviewing your existing statements and the doc noted under Additional Information as every environment has different requirements.

Testing /accessing your new APPLID prior to adding it to your MAI session list

In general, if a session is not in your session list, you can access it from the command line in the MAI screen with L applid, as long as you have a DEFLOGON.
So for our new DEFLOGON, L SYSVJ should get you to the logon screen for the application.
If you go back to your MAI menu, the session will appear at the bottom of the list. It will remain until you log out of MAI.
NOTE: Be sure that the application is active when you issue the command to avoid errors.


Adding the new session to an MAI session list

All MAI session lists are defined and managed in the MAI Session Definition Maintenance section, accessible via either /MSDM or A.AC.MS.

Session lists are defined either per user or for a group. 
If you need help with locating the correct session list, review this article

If you want to replace one session with another, you would be adding one and deleting the other.

Basic steps:

  1. In MSDM, select the desired session list with U - Update
    Use the commands at the top of the screen to guide your actions;
       I -Insert will add a new blank session below the current session.
      C -Copy will copy an existing session definition so you can make any changes for the new session but keep existing values in other fields like Jump keys and session characteristics.
      D -Delete - will remove sessions you no longer want
      Other commands can be used to re-order the list.
  2. Fill out the fields in the session list definition.
       The Logon Request field for each session in MAI requires the APPLID for the session, and it gets the information for that APPLID from the DEFLOGON statement. All further parameters are optional. 
       Use the help screens (F1) if you are unsure of what any fields are for. 
  3. The Script Name/Parms field is intended for a script that helps with logon or other navigation for a session being started. So for example it can serve to direct an IMS user to the specific panel they use so that they don't have to manually go through multiple panels every time they login. When defining a new session, you will not have a script to assist with that unless you create one yourself.
    The doc here outlines how you can create a logon script if it would be useful.

Additional Information

Helpful documentation for DEFLOGON:

How MAI Uses the DEFLOGON Table

Last Updated February 25, 2021

The table is used by MAI when starting a session. The first word in the MAI session definition's Logon String is the input word that is matched against the DEFLOGON table with remaining data passed to the application as user data if the DEFLOGON entry permits this.

Here is the URL

This section describes the DEFLOGON statement itself

and syntax can be found here

The REPLOGON statement is described here

It has the exact same syntax as DEFLOGON except that it allows you to dynamically add or change the statements.