CA View - Annotations Truncated on Reports Without Carriage Control
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CA View - Annotations Truncated on Reports Without Carriage Control


Article ID: 218460


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It appears that reports with no carriage control cannot be annotated beyond 255 lines, whereas reports with carriage controlcan be annotated anywhere within the report.

Is this a known limitation?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


Per a View design limitation, there is a maximum of 255 lines on a page. 

If there is no carriage control, then the sysout is considered as one page, and the annotation will get placed on line 255. 

For annotation reference, there is a 4-byte field. 

The first 3 bytes is a binary page number, and the last byte is a binary line number within a page. 

That line within the one page, therefore, has the limit of 255.