Unable to update Change Order ticket using REST Webservice API ( Table: chg)
Excerpt from Jrest.log:
06/10 12:16:24.068 [http-nio-8050-exec-2] ERROR DalUtilities 183 Invalid REST Access Key (null) provided via X-AccessKey header.
06/10 12:16:24.069 [http-nio-8050-exec-2] ERROR SDMCRUDServiceImpl 1283 Error retrieving details for 'chg' resource identified by 'chg_ref_num LIKE 'C604216''. Invalid REST Access Key (null) provided via X-AccessKey header. {http://server-name:8050/caisd-rest/chg/COMMON_NAME-C604216}
Unable to list the complete REST webservice API using POSTMAN:
Release : 17.3.X
Pojo & Service folder were corrupted.
Step1 : Please take a backup copy of your existing WEB-INF folder:
Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_REST\webapps\caisd-rest\WEB-INF
Step2 : pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop -t REST
Step 3: Copy the content of pojo from working server to non-working server ( same location) :
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_REST\webapps\caisd-rest\WEB-INF\classes\com\ca\ServicePlus\rest\sdm\pojo
Step 4:Copy the content of service from working server to non-working server ( same location) :
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_REST\webapps\caisd-rest\WEB-INF\classes\com\ca\ServicePlus\rest\sdm\service.
Step 5 : pdm_tomcat_nxd -c start -t REST
Step6 : Use postman to check wadl : http://servername:8050/caisd-rest/?_wadl.