Capturing Heap dump and Thread dump for Service Desk Manager processes
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Capturing Heap dump and Thread dump for Service Desk Manager processes


Article ID: 218343


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Heap dump and Thread dump requests may be made by Support or Engineering when attempting to diagnose a hanging Tomcat process in SDM.  The following article discusses the method to collect the information.


Release : 17.x



1. Find the PID for the JAVA process.

To get the PID for Default Tomcat (CATALINA_BASE):

Option 1: "pdm_tomcat_nxd -c GETPID".

Option 2: Run the following command in CMD or Powershell: WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'javaw.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%CATALINA_BASE\\temp%'" get ProcessID /format:list

To get the PID for REST Tomcat (CATALINA_BASE_REST):

Option 1: "pdm_tomcat_nxd -c GETPID -t REST".

Option 2: Run the following command in CMD or Powershell: WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'javaw.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%CATALINA_BASE_REST\\temp%'" get ProcessID /format:list

To get the PID for Support Automation Tomcat (CATALINA_BASE_SA):

Option 1: "pdm_tomcat_nxd -c GETPID -t SA".

Option 2: Run the following command in CMD or Powershell: WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'javaw.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%CATALINA_BASE_SA\\temp%'" get ProcessID /format:list

To get the PID for Visualizer Tomcat (CATALINA_BASE_VIZ):

Option 1: "pdm_tomcat_nxd -c GETPID -t VIZ".

Option 2: Run the following command in CMD or Powershell: WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'javaw.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%CATALINA_BASE_VIZ\\temp%'" get ProcessID /format:list

To get the PID for Maileater

WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'java.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%maileater%'" get ProcessID

To get the PID for mail_nxd

WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'java.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%mail_nxd%'" get ProcessID

To get the PID for es_ebl

WMIC PROCESS WHERE "caption LIKE 'java.exe%' AND commandLine LIKE '%MajicLi%'" get ProcessID

2. Find a JDK/JRE on the local system where jstack.exe and jmap.exe exists. Example: C:\Program Files\CA\SC\JRE\11.0.3\bin

3. Via Command Prompt, go to the directory where to create the dump file, e.g NX_ROOT\log

3.1 Run the following command to create the heap dump:
<jdk/jre root>\bin\jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap_<process_name>pid<pid>.hprof <pid>

For example:
C:\PROGRA~2\CA\SERVIC~1\log>"C:\Program Files\CA\SC\JRE\11.0.3\bin\jmap" -dump:format=b,file=heap_maileater_pid5724.hprof 5724
Output file will be created in the current directory. 

3.2 To collect the thread dump run the command:

<jdk/jre root>\bin\jstack <PID> > jstack.txt

For example:
Ex: C:\PROGRA~2\CA\SERVIC~1\log>"C:\Program Files\CA\SC\JRE\11.0.3\bin\jstack" 5724 > jstack.txt

Output file will be created in the current directory.